semper fidelis – Always Faithful
semper fidelis Always faithful (or always loyal) (Motto of the United States Marine Corps)
terras irradient – Let them illumine the earth (Motto of Amherst College)
terras irradient Let them illumine the earth (Motto of Amherst College) nil sine magno labore Nothing without great effort. (Motto of Brooklyn College) in deo speramus In God we trust. (Motto of Brown University) respice, adspice, prospice Look back, look to the present, look to the future. (Motto of City College of New York) in […]
diat deus – God Enriches (Motto of Arizona)
diat deus God enriches (Motto of Arizona) regnat populus The people rule (Motto of Arkansas) eureka! I’ve found it! (Motto of California) nil sine numine Nothing without God (Motto of Colorado) qui transtulit sustinet He who came across, holds up. (Motto of Connecticut) iustitia omnibus Justice for all. (Motto of District of Columbia) esto perpetua […]
splendor sine occasu – Splendour Without Diminishment (Motto of BC, Canada)
splendor sine occasu Splendour Without Diminishment British Columbia’s provincial motto was designed by Rev. Arthur Beanlands and was first adopted in 1895.
initium sapientiae timor domini – the Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom (U of Aberdeen Motto)
initium sapientiae timor domini The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Motto of University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland).
Domine, dirige nos – Lord, Direct Us
Domine, dirige nos Lord, direct us (Motto of London, UK)
tuum est – It Is Yours (UBC Motto)
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (UBC): Tuum est “It’s up to you” or “It’s yours” Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada: Sapientia et Doctrina Stabilitas (Wisdom and Knowledge Shall be the Stability of Thy Times) Mount Saint Vincent University Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: Veritas ad Deum ducit – truth leads to God […]
cognati – Relations of the Mother’s Side
Latin Family Terms: Relatives cognati Relations of the mother’s side affinitas Relationship by marriage Latin Family Terms: Children filius nullius son of nobody; bastard filius a son
delirium tremens – Alcoholic Distress; Delusions and Trembling
delirium tremens Alcoholic distress; delusions and trembling dementia a potu Insanity from drinking
censor morum – a Censor of Morals
censor morum A censor of morals