Latin Phrases

Common Latin Abbreviations

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A.B. (Artium Baccalaureus)
Bachelor of Arts

A.C. (ante Christum)
before Christ

A.D. (anno domini)
in the year of the Lord

ad inf., ad infin. (ad infinitum)
to infinity

ad int. (ad interim)
in the meantime

ad fin. (ad finem)
near the end [of the page]

ad loc. (ad locum)
to the place

ad val. (ad valorem)
according to the value

ae., aet., aetat. (aetatis)
of age, aged

Ag (argentum)

A.M. (anno mundi)
in the year of the world

A.M. (ante meridiem)
before midday

A.M. (ante mortem)
before death

A.M. (Artium Magister)
Master of Arts

A.R. (anno regni)
in the year of the reign

a.u.c. (ab urbe condita, anno urbis conditae)
from the founding of the city

B.A. (Baccalaureus Artium)
Bachelor of Arts

B.D. (Baccalaureus Divinitatis)
Bachelor of Divinity

B.L. (Baccalaureus Legum)
Bachelor of Law

B.Lit. (Baccalaureus Lit[t]erarum)
Bachelor of Literature (or Letters)

B.M. (Baccalaureus Medicinae)
Bachelor of Medicine

B.Mus. (Baccalaureus Musicae)
Bachelor of Music

B.Phil. (Baccalaureus Philosophiae)
Bachelor of Philosophy

B.S., B.Sc. (Baccalaureus Scientiae)
Bachelor of Science

c. (cum)

ca., cir., circ. (circa)

cf. (confer)

D.D. (Divinitatis Doctor)
Doctor of Divinity

D.G. (Dei Gratia)
By the grace of God

D.Lit. (Doctor Litterarum)
Doctor of Literature

D.M. (Doctor Medicinae)
Doctor of Medicine

d.s.p. (decessit sine prole)
Died without issue

D.V. (Deo volente)
God willing

e.g. (exempli gratia)
for [the sake of an] example

et al. (et alii, et alia)
and others

etc. (et cetera)
and the rest, and so forth

et seq. (et sequens, et sequentes, et sequentia)
and the following

ff. (foliis)
on the [following] pages

hab. corp. (habeas corpus)
you may have the body

H.J.S. (hic iacet sepultus)
here lies buried

H.R.I.P. (hic requiescit in pace)
here rests in peace

ib., ibid. (ibidem)
in the same place

id. (idem)
the same

i.e. (id est)
that is

in loc. (in loco)
in the place

J.C.D. (Iuris Civilis Doctor)
Doctor of Civil Law

J.D. (Iuris Doctor)
Doctor of Law

J.U.D. (Iuris Ultriusque Doctor)
Doctor of both Civil and Canon Law

lb. (libra)

l.c., loc. cit. (loco citato)
in the place cited

LL. D. (Legum Doctor)
Doctor of Laws

loq. (loquitur)
he (she, it) speaks


M.A. (Magister Artium)
Master of Arts

M.D. (Medicinae Doctor)
Doctor of Medicine

M.O. (modus operandi)
method of operating

N.B. (Nota bene)
Note well

no. (numero)
by number

non obst. (non obstante)

non seq. (non sequitur)
it does not follow

N.P. (nisi prisus)
no protest

n.r. (non repetatur)
do not repeat

ob. (obiit)
he died

op. cit. (opere citato)
in the work cited

p.d. (per diem)
by the day

per an. (per annum)
by the year

per cent. (per centum)

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