Latin Phrases

libertas – Freedom

libertas Freedom  

 Latin Phrases

sane, paululum linguae latinae dico – Sure, I Speak a Little Latin.

sane, paululum linguae latinae dico Sure, I speak a little Latin. id legi modo hic modo illic. vero, latine loqui non est difficilissimum I picked it up here and there. Really, Latin isn’t all that hard. lingua speciem involutam praebet, sed sat cito eam comprehendes It looks like a tricky language, but you’ll get the […]

 Latin Phrases

favete linguis – Be Silent

favete linguis Favour me with your tongues (be silent) mendacem memorem esse oportet It is fitting that a liar should be a man of good memory (liars should have good memories) parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus Mountains will be in labour, and an absurd mouse will be born (all that work and nothing to show […]

 Latin Phrases

adhuc sub iudice lis est – the Case Is Still Before the Court

adhuc sub iudice lis est The case is still before the court cursus curiae est lex curiae The practice of the court is the law of the court cursus curiae est lex curiae The practice of the court is the law of the court certiorari To be informed by an appellate review court

 Latin Phrases

consensus facit legem – Consent makes the law

consensus facit legem Consent makes the law corruptissima re publica plurimae leges In the most corrupt state are the most laws (Terence) cursus curiae est lex curiae The practice of the court is the law of the court de minimis non curat lex The law does not concern itself with trifles durum hoc est sed […]

 Latin Phrases

consuetudo est altera lex – Custom is another law

consuetudo est altera lex Custom is another law consuetudo pro lege servatur Custom is held as the law ad usum… According to custom…