bibamus, moriendum est – Let us drink, for we must die
bibamus, moriendum est Let us drink, for we must die (Seneca) absentem laedit cum ebrio qui litigat To quarrel with a drunk is to wrong a man who is not even there
deo juvante With God’s help (motto of Monaco)…
Joannes est nomen ejus or: Ioannes est nomen eius or: Iohannes est nomen eius…
sapientia superat moras Wisdom overcomes difficulty (Motto of Bolton Institute of Higher Education, Bolton,…
quoqunque jeceris stabit Whithersoever You Throw It, It Will Stand Motto of the Isle…
libertas Freedom …
montis insignia calpe Badge of the Rock of Gibraltar Motto of Gibraltar (British…
casus belli That which causes or justifies war…
pro rata Proportionally; for a proportion. In a situation where several debtors are each…
mutatis mutandis Things being changed which are to be changed. E.g., a proprietor of…
ante cibum (ac) Before meals bis in die (bid) Twice a day gutta (gt)…
A.B. (Artium Baccalaureus) Bachelor of Arts A.C. (ante Christum) before Christ A.D. (anno domini)…
quoqunque jeceris stabit Whithersoever You Throw It, It Will Stand Motto of the Isle…
libertas Freedom …
montis insignia calpe Badge of the Rock of Gibraltar Motto of Gibraltar (British…
See also Latin Alcohol / Drinking Terms
bibamus, moriendum est Let us drink, for we must die (Seneca) absentem laedit cum ebrio qui litigat To quarrel with a drunk is to wrong a man who is not even there