deo juvante – with God’s Help (motto of Monaco)
deo juvante With God’s help (motto of Monaco)
Joannes est nomen eius – John Is His Name (Motto of Puerto Rico)
Joannes est nomen ejus or: Ioannes est nomen eius or: Iohannes est nomen eius John is his name (Motto of Puerto Rico)
acta sanctorum – Deeds of the Saints
acta sanctorum Deeds of the saints (Jean Bolland)
accusare nemo se debit, nisi coram Deo – No One Is Bound to Accuse Himself, unless Before God
accusare nemo se debit, nisi coram Deo No one is bound to accuse herself/himself, unless before God actus Dei act of God a Deo et rege From God and the king a Deo lux nostra Our light comes from God adiuvante Deo labor proficit With God’s help, work prospers ad majorem Dei gloriam To the […]
denique caelum – Heaven at Last
denique caelum Heaven at last (battle cry of the Crusaders)
ad clerum – to the Clergy
ad clerum To the clergy concio ad clerum Discourse to the clergy
disputandi pruritus ecclesiarum scabies – an Itch for Disputation Is the Incurable Disease of the Church
disputandi pruritus ecclesiarum scabies An itch for disputation is the incurable disease of the church
Christo et Ecclesiae – for Christ and for the Church
Christo et Ecclesiae For Christ and for the Church
bene orasse est bene studuisse – to Have Prayed Well Is to Have Pursued Well
bene orasse est bene studuisse To have prayed well is to have pursued well benigno numine By the favour of the heavens (Horace) beatus A blessed person Beata Virgo Maria Blessed Virgin Mary beati pacifici Blessed are the peacemakes (Beatitudes) beati pauperes spiritu Blessed are the poor in spirit beati possidentes Blessed are those who […]
diat deus – God Enriches (Motto of Arizona)
diat deus God enriches (Motto of Arizona) regnat populus The people rule (Motto of Arkansas) eureka! I’ve found it! (Motto of California) nil sine numine Nothing without God (Motto of Colorado) qui transtulit sustinet He who came across, holds up. (Motto of Connecticut) iustitia omnibus Justice for all. (Motto of District of Columbia) esto perpetua […]
initium sapientiae timor domini – the Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom (U of Aberdeen Motto)
initium sapientiae timor domini The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Motto of University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland).
Domine, dirige nos – Lord, Direct Us
Domine, dirige nos Lord, direct us (Motto of London, UK)