bene orasse est bene studuisse – to Have Prayed Well Is to Have Pursued Well
bene orasse est bene studuisse
To have prayed well is to have pursued well
benigno numine
By the favour of the heavens (Horace)
A blessed person
Beata Virgo Maria
Blessed Virgin Mary
beati pacifici
Blessed are the peacemakes (Beatitudes)
beati pauperes spiritu
Blessed are the poor in spirit
beati possidentes
Blessed are those who possess (legal doctrine)
Pronouncements from the Sermon on the Mount
abyssus abyssum invocat
Hells calls hell (the Vulgate translation of the Bible)
Adeste Fideles
O come, all ye faithful
benedictus qui venit
Blessed is he who comes [in the Lord’s name]
caelitus mihi vires
My strength is from heaven
I believe; the apostles’ (Nicene) Creed
Things to be believed, articles of faith
Christi crux est mea lux
The cross of Christ is my light
consummatum est
It is completed/finished (Christ’s words on the cross)
Corpus Christi
feast of the Body of Christ; Holy Eucharist
dies dominicus
The Lord’s day
Dies Irae
Day of Wrath (hymn for the Requiem Mass)
di (also dii)
gods (singular: deus)
di immortales virtutem approbare, non adhibere debent
We may expect the gods to approve virtue, but not to endow us with it
di maiores
The greater gods; men of eminence
di meliora
Heaven send us better times
di minores
The lesser gods; men of lesser merit
di penates
The household gods
di pia facta vident
The gods see virtuous deeds (Ovid)
dirige nos Domine
Direct us, O Lord
dis aliter visum
The gods thought otherwise (Virgil)
dis ducibus
Under the direction of the gods
ditat Deus
God enriches (motto of the US state of Arizona)
dabit deus his quoque finem
God will bring an end to this (Virgil)
dante Deo
By the gift of God
De Civitate Dei
On the City of God (St. Augustine)
Dei gratia
By the grace of God
Dei iudicium
By the judgement of God
dei penates
Guardians of the household (household gods)
Dei plena sunt omnia
All things are full of God
Dei Sponsa
The Bride of God (poem by Patmore)
Dei sub numine viget
It flourishes under the will of God (motto of Princeton University)
Deo adjuvante non timendum
God helping, nothing should be feared
Deo date
Give to God
deo dignus vindice nodus
A knot worthy of god to untie
Deo duce
With God as my leader
Deo duce, ferro comitante
With God as my leader and my sword as my companion
Deo et regi fidelis
Faithful to God and king
Deo favente
With God’s favour
Deo gratias (D.G,)
Thanks be to God
Deo juvante
With God’s help (motto of Monaco)
Deo Optimo Maximo (D.O.M.)
For God, the best and greatest (motto of the Benedictines)
Deo, patriae, amicis
For God, motherland, and friends
deorum cibus est
It is food for the gods
deos enim religuos accepimus, Caesares dedimus
The gods were handed down to us, but we created the Caesars (i.e., the rulers) ourselves
dei fortioribus adsunt
The gods aid the stronger (Tacitus)
Deo volente (D.V.)
God willing
De Profundis
From the depths; out of despair (Psalm 130)
Deus avertat
God forbid
Deus det
God grant
Deus est regit qui omnia
There is a God who rules all things
Deus est summum bonum
God is the chief good
deus ex machina
god from a machine (a person who intervenes to solve a problem at the last minute)
Deus gubernat navem
God steers the ship
Deus lux Mea
God is my light (motto of the Catholic University of America)
Deus misereatur
May God have mercy (Psalm 67)
Deus nobiscum, quis contra?
God is with us, who can be against us?
Deus nobis fiducia
God is our trust (motto of George Washington University)
deus nobis haec otia fecit
God has brought for us this repose (Virgil)
Deus providebit
God will provide
Deus tecum
May God be with you (singular)
Deus vobiscum
May God be with you (plural)
Deus vult
God wills it (motto of the First Crusade)
Domine, dirige nos
Lord, direct us (motto of London)
Dominica palmarum
Palm Sunday
Domino Optimo Maximo (D.O.M)
To the Lord, best and greatest
The Lord
Dominus illuminatio mea
The Lord is my light (motto of the University Oxford, England)
Dominus providebit
The Lord will provide
Dominus vobiscum
May the Lord be with you
dux gregis
Leader of the flock
Agnus Dei
The Lamb of God (portion of Catholic Mass)
amicus usque ad aras
A friend to the altars (i.e., a friend until death or until relilgious convictions prevent action)
amor proximi
Love of one’s neighbour
Angelus Domini
Angle of the Lord (a Morning Prayer)
beatae memoriae
Of blessed memory
Invocation of blessing (a prayer canticle)
da fidei quae fidei sunt
Give to faith that which belongs to faith
date et dabitur vobis
Give and it shall be given unto you (the Vulgate translation of the Bible)
De Beata Vita
On the Good Life (St. Augustine)
Cantate Domino
Sing to the Lord (Psalm 98)
The chanting portions of the Catholic Mass
cantus firmus
Fixed song (Gregorian melody)
cantus planus
Plain song (Gregorian chant)
cruce, dum spiro, fido
while I breathe, I trust the cross
cruce signati
Marked with a cross; the Crusaders
crux decussata
X-shaped cross of St. Andrew or St. Patrick
crux mihi ancora
The cross is my anchor
crux spes unica
The cross is the only hope (motto of Notre Dame University)
fiat lux
let there be light (Genesis)
deo volente
God willing
dei gratia
By the grace of god
anno domini
In the year of our lord
flat lux
Let there be light
laus deo
Praise to god
lares et penates
Household gods
laborare est orare
Work is prayer
dies irae
Day of wrath (the day of judgement)
domine dilrige nos
Lord direct us
dominus illuminatio mea
The lord is my enlightening
di te incolumem custodiant
May the Gods guard your safety (an official good-bye phrase)
deo volente
God willing
gaudeamus igitur
So let us rejoice
gloria in excelsis
Glory to god in the highest
laborare est orare
Work is prayer
lares et penates
Household gods
laus deo
Praise to god
ora pro nobis
Pray for us
I have sinned
Vocatus atque
non vocatus
Deus aderit
Invoked or not invoked, the god is present
(Inscription on Carl Jung’s tombstone,
Flutern Cemetery; Fluntern (Zurich, Switzerland))
a deo et rege
From god and the king
bona fides
Good faith