ab aeterno – From the beginning of time
Latin Phrases: Beginning
ab aeterno
From the beginning of time
ab incunabulis
From infancy (from the cradle)
ab initio
From the beginning
ab Iove principium
From Jove is my beginning (words of Aeneas, Virgil)
ab origine
From the origin; from the first
ab ovo
From the egg (i.e., from the beginning)
ad initium
At the beginning
ab ovo usque ad mala
From the egg to the apples (i.e., from the beginning to the end)
caret initio et fine
It lacks a beginning and an end
ab ovo usque ad mala
From the egg to the apples (i.e., from the beginning to the end)
Latin Phrases: End
acta est fabula
The drama has been acted out (Augustus)
ad finem
To the end; at the end of the page
ad infinitum
Without an end; to infinity; without limit
ad extremum
To the extreme (i.e., to the end)