Latin Phrases

sane, paululum linguae latinae dico – Sure, I Speak a Little Latin.

sane, paululum linguae latinae dico Sure, I speak a little Latin. id legi modo hic modo illic. vero, latine loqui non est difficilissimum I picked it up here and there. Really, Latin isn’t all that hard. lingua speciem involutam praebet, sed sat cito eam comprehendes It looks like a tricky language, but you’ll get the […]

 Latin Phrases

disputandi pruritus ecclesiarum scabies – an Itch for Disputation Is the Incurable Disease of the Church

disputandi pruritus ecclesiarum scabies An itch for disputation is the incurable disease of the church

 Latin Phrases

exitus acta probat – the Result Validates the Deeds

exitus acta probat The result validates the deeds. errare humanum est To err is human eheu fugaces . labuntur anni Alas, the fleeting years slip away fabas indulcet fames Hunger sweetens the beans. facta non verba Deeds, not words (Actions speak louder than words) fallaces sunt rerum species The appearances of things are deceptive. flat […]

 Latin Phrases

culpam poena premit comes – Punishment Presses Hard onto the Heels of Crime

culpam poena premit comes Punishment presses hard onto the heels of crime (Horace) celari vult sua furta Venus Venus desires her thefts to be concealed culpae poenae par esto Let the punishment fit the crime caput lupinum The wolf’s head (an outlaw or a renegade)

 Latin Phrases

pro rata – Proportionally; for a Proportion

pro rata Proportionally; for a proportion. In a situation where several debtors are each liable for her/his own share or proportion only, they are said to be bound “pro rata”. Term ‘pro rata’ is contrasted with ‘in solidum’ – where several debtors are each liable for the whole debt. An example of both phrases may […]

 Latin Phrases

dare pondus idonea fumo – Fit only to give weight to smoke

Latin Insults dare pondus idonea fumo Fit only to give weight to smoke (Persius) ab asino lanam Wool from an ass (blood from a stone) Latin Tell-Offs delphinum natare doces You are teaching a dolphin to swim adversus solem ne loquitor Don’t speak against the sun (i.e., an obvious fact) age quod agis Do what […]

 Latin Phrases

bonitas non est pessimis esse meliorem – It is not goodness to be better than the worst.

bonitas non est pessimis esse meliorem It is not goodness to be better than the worst.  

 Latin Phrases

corruptio optimi pessima – The curruption of the best is the worst

corruptio optimi pessima The curruption of the best is the worst corruptissima re publica plurimae leges In the most corrupt state are the most laws (Terence)

 Latin Phrases

Eggs today are better than chickens tomorrow

ad praesens ova cras pullis sunt meliora ad quem ad quod Eggs today are better than chickens tomorrow cave quid dicis, quando, et cui Beware of what you say, when, and to whom

 Latin Phrases

bis pueri senes – Old men are twice children

bis pueri senes Old men are twice children durante minore aetate During minority; at an early age; while one is young aetatis At the age of aetatis suae In the year of one’s life

 Latin Phrases

semper paratus – Always Ready

semper paratus Always ready