cur ante tubam tremor occupat artus? – Why Should Fear Seize the Limbs before the Trumpet Sounds?
Cur ante tubam tremor occupat artus?
Why should fear seize the limbs before the trumpet sounds? (Virgil)
victis honor
Honour to the vanquished
veni vidi vici
I came, I saw, I conquered
(Julius Caesar’s report of victory in 47 B.C. over Pharnaces, king of Pontus)
in pace, ut sapiens, aptarit idonea bello
In peace, like a wise man, he appropriately prepares for war
bella horrida bella
Wars, horrid wars (Virgil)
bella detesta matribus
Wars, the horror of mothers (Horace)
bellum omnium in omnes
A war of all against all
bellum internecinum
Internecine war, a war of extermination
bellum letale
Lethal war, deadly war
bellum domesticum
Strife/war among family members